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Casper Youth Baseball

CYB Inclement Weather Policy

The safety of players, umpires, and spectators is the primary concern in regards to bad weather. In general, games will not be cancelled due to windy, hot, or cool conditions. Amount of rain, snow, extreme temperatures, wind chill factors, lightning, and other conditions that may make the fields unsafe for play will be taken into consideration when determining if games will be played. We will make the decision to cancel as soon as we deem fields unsafe for play. Sometimes this means we will cancel around 2 or 3pm but other times game cancellations may be closer to game time. Please remember that different parts of town get different amounts of moisture from a storm so even if there is a lot of rain where you are, it may be only be raining a little at the fields, and vice versa. If we make the decision to cancel games, our plan is to reschedule them for the next available game day. Make-up games may be scheduled for Fridays.

Once a game has started, umpires or CYB leadership will have the responsibility to remove the players from the field in case of extreme conditions.

Lightning Policy

If the fields are cleared due to lightning, DO NOT shelter in the dugouts. Instead, please find  safe shelter in your automobile until instructed to return to the field or told the game has been cancelled. Casper Youth Baseball follows the Babe Ruth Guide to Emergency Weather and Lightning Safety pertaining to lightning. If the fields are cleared due to lightning, play cannot resume for 30 minutes after the last lightning strike. We have lightning strike indicators in both the North and South crows nests that will be used to determine the distance of a lightning strike.

Contact Us

Casper Youth Baseball

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1966 
Casper, Wyoming 82602

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 307-215-3161
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